Thanks for reading the 63rd edition of my newsletter. This newsletter tracks my work on lumbar nerve root syndromes aka sciatica.
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Hi everyone,
Just a few quick things.
Firstly, I presented a webinar to Physio Matters First Steps (a new grad group) today and made a set of infographics to go with it. They work pretty well by themselves so I thought I’d send them out here, too.
Please click below to download the infographics. They’re all A4 sized and black and white, so they should print out pretty well.
CES webinar
I delivered an in-service training recently on CES - a webinar designed to help people ‘get’ what CES is, navigate tricky conversations, and make tough decisions.
If you’d like either Rob (my coauthor) or I to deliver this webinar to your team, please reply to this email to let me know. The webinar is pretty flexible in terms of content and how simple/advanced we go. It’s straightforward and practical, and includes lots of example questions to help with assessment. And it got great feedback!
Understanding Sciatica book
We are… so close! It’s pretty much ready except for the cover. I had a stab at designing it myself (below) but the feedback was very mixed and lots of people really didn’t like what I’d come up with. I myself had reservations, so I have hired a professional designer instead. The process should take about a month and then the book will be available.
That’s it for now! Til next time,
I could translate your infogrsphics into latinamerican spanish. Let me know if you would like that...great work as usual!