Sep 12, 2023Liked by Tom Jesson

Great post, definitely think these are a big step up from twitter comments! Great figure from the ATLAS study

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Tom Jesson

Thank you for such a wonderful article! It would be great if you can share your opinion on the following points:

1. As you mentioned in the article, 1/3 of the people sciatica will have their symptoms stay the same or even worse after 4-6 weeks. Would you advise early surgery to patient if there is no improvement in 4-6 weeks? Or would you wait till 3-4 months of conservative treatment? ( Obviously, patient preference and other factors play a huge role, but lets just discuss it in a vacuum)

2. While I understand why you say that it is a clinical course but not a natural history of sciatica due to the research design, is the true natural history of Sciatica going to be really similar to what you shown here ? Given that physiotherapy effect on sciatica is quite modest according to your own narrative review.

Again thanks for such an awesome article!

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